Business spend resources on providing for the health of the employee but many of the “sick” days are taken because of employee personal problems. Provide your employees with a very inexpensive benefit to help work through those personal problems. Improve personal “health” and improve workplace efficiency
Allow us to conduct an organizational health assessment to ensure business direction, communication, morale, and structure are optimal. We can give your business an organizational “tune-up” if needed
Strategic Planning
Our strategic planning model is not the typical way to do business. We build from corporate guidance and then involve employees to develop their personal mission statement and have it link to the their organizational area and eventually to corporate. We will guide organizations to build a 3-5 year plan with benchmarks and mapped to the vision and mission.
Hiring of New Employees
We typically hire employees based on their skills, resume, and interview, but will they fit in your organization? Businesses spend critical funds training new employees only to have them quit because they did not fit in. 2love1 has a 2 minute test that will provide you with their behaviour traits and help you determine how they would fare when dealing with your customers. Contact us for a free demostration.
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Alcohol and Drug Awarness Training
We have a Licensed Chemical Dependancy Counselor (LCDC) available to provide leadership and staff training on the following issues.
- Causes of Drug and Alcohol Addiction
- Effects of Drug and Alcohol Addiction
- Potential Signs of Drug and Alcohol Abuse for Supervisors
- Provide Supervisors with Appropriate Measures to Assist those in Need
Outcome: For Supervisors to obtain the tools necessary to detect substance abuse issues and take the necessary steps to correct the problem and provide the necessary assistance.
2ove1, LLC
4620 Montana Ave. El Paso, TX 79903
Mailing Address
PO BOX 963444 El Paso, TX 79996
Phone: (915)222-0472
Follow us on Facebook! Chuck N Angela